Composable Foundation
3 min readOct 18, 2021

Initiating Incentivization of Vault Strategies with Composable Labs Incubations

Composable currently has several vault strategies available on, for the purposes of supporting the Polkadot crowdloan. However, we are expanding this strategy through our experimental and research arm, Composable Labs.

Projects incubated by Composable Labs now have the option to utilize Composable’s existing vault strategies to propel traction and token holders, ahead of their own respective product launches.

Today, we are delighted to announce that Instrumental Finance ( , a project utilizing Composable’s tech stack to bridge sharded applications, will be the commencing project to incentivize our vault strategy stakers.

Additional Incentivizations for our Existing Vault Strategies

Our team at Composable created the Parachain Vault Strategy as a unique way to incentivize user contributions to the tokens needed for obtaining a parachain at auction. These strategies provide users with a yield, exposure to our parachain auction, and LAYR, as the first set of strategies spanning both the Ethereum and Polkadot ecosystems. As Composable Labs has been active in the incubation of projects utilizing Composable’s stack, and given that the current strategies have a large user base, we realised that it would make sense to give our earliest contributors and community members access to projects incubated by Composable Labs. That’s why we at Composable will begin offering vault strategy stakers tokens from projects incubated by Composable Labs, which is mutually beneficial for the following reasons:

1. Stakers will be able to get upside from the ecosystem that Composable is building, as well ast their current earnings in LAYR.

2. Our incubation projects will now have an initial token holder base that will allow them to galvanize initial support as they go to market and ramp up for full releases.

Updates to Our Vault Offering

Instrumental Finance is eager to begin tapping into the user base that Composable has built, andis interested in commencing incentivization of the vaults starting at 3pm CET today, October 18th, 2021.

The incentivization program is as follows:

  • Instrumental Finance’s total token supply is 100m tokens, with an initial FDV of $30m.
  • The program will run for 8 weeks, during which time 5% of Instrumental token (STRM) will be distributed.
  • During the first 7 days, 3,250,000 tokens will be distributed. Afterwards, the second week will see 1,500,000 tokens distributed. Thereafter for the remainder of the program, there will be 250,000 tokens distributed, with the Instrumental team deciding if they’d like to extend the program thereafter.

Composable is excited to be offering this to our long-time community supporters. We have additional strategies planned, as well as further projects and collaborations in the pipeline, expanding our ecosystem and supporting mission aligned partners.. Furthermore, the NFTs that we have previously announced will be awarded to Mosaic users, will be used to boost yield on these upcoming strategies.

How it works

Existing stakers will not need to do anything to be earning STRM tokens. Rather, they just need to stake in the vault, and can transparently view the APY they are earning. New stakers in the vaults will commence earning STRM immediately upon entering the vault after 3pm CET.

Incubations Under Composable Labs

One of the cornerstones of Composable is our commitment to bring people together and create solutions that are empowered by our pioneering cross-layer, cross-chain infrastructure. We are proud that Composable Labs has powered the creation of several new ventures spanning both the Polkadot and Ethereum space, in such a short space of time. We see this offering to our vault strategy stakers as being an extension of the support we provide our incubated projects. We are excited to release our SDK shortly, which will accelerate further growth of the Composable ecosystem.

To keep up-to-date with Composable Finance and its various interoperability and L2 infrastructure projects, make sure to follow our socials:

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